If you're a Women & ADHD Podcast listener who's been struggling with building a course, or even where to get started on one, despite all the great free resources out there... you're not alone. And you're not a 'lazy slacker' - your ADHD is just probably getting in the way of planning and building this thing.
But never fear: I'm here to help! I get your brain (because mine's probably similar), and I provide the structure, system, and live face-to-face time to get it DONE.
If you're ready to finally get that course launched and making you money, I present BUILD THAT COURSE: a self-paced coursebuilding deep dive. You do the work yourself, guided by me: the former Director of Customer Love & Handholding at CoachAccountable.
I created this for you because, speaking with thousands of coaches using CoachAccountable, I learned that while some people want to have the work done FOR them, others want to do the work yourselves in a supported and proven method.
We meet together every 2 weeks, so that you can show off your progress and ask questions LIVE.
Module 1: Course Design (+ Metrics)
Module 2: Powerful Assignments
Module 3: Technical How-To
Module 4: Easy Videos
Module 5: Baked-In Testimonials
Module 6: Funnel: Signups & Upsells
NO! This course is for all levels.
No! The course will function outside your website.
Go at your own pace - I suggest 2-6 hours per week, for 3 weeks.
YES - sign up here.
Totally fine! The cost of Build That Course will count toward your package price.
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